Tuesday, October 15, 2013

More than This by Jay McLean!!!

       More Than This


In one night my fairytale ended. Or it may have begun. This is my story of friendship and love, heartbreak and desire, and the strength to show weakness.


One night I met a girl. A sad and broken girl, but one more beautiful than any other. She laughed through her sadness, while I loved through her heartbreak.

*This is our story of a maybe ever after.*

He was right. It made no difference whether it was 6 months or 6 years. 
I couldn’t undo what had been done. I couldn’t change the future.
I couldn’t even predict it. 
It was one night.
One night when everything changed.
It was so much more than just the betrayal.
It was the Tragedy. 
The Deaths. 
The Murders.
But it was also that feeling.
The feeling of falling.

My eyes widen and snap to Jake. He looks down, and shakes his head, with laughter in his eyes. He removes my hand that was covering his mouth, entwines our fingers, and gives my wrist a chaste kiss before Logan adds to the story.
“That’s not all that happened, tell her the rest, Jake.”
I look at him. Oh my god. He slept with her.
“Oh my god, you slept with her?” I gasp out.
“NO!” he yells, and everyone cracks up. “NO! What? God … No!” he says again, shivering and making a disgusted face.
“Then what?” I ask.
He presses his lips together, as if refusing to speak. I make an exasperated sound, and turn to the rest of them, eyes wide, pleading someone to finish the story.
Heidi starts to giggle, and everyone joins in.
“What? WHAT HAPPENED?” I need to know.
Heidi calms herself down. “Homegirl had an engagement ring on the dash board—a male engagement ring. She proposed to him!” She’s struggling to keep talking through her laughter. “She proposed to him, naked, in the back seat of his truck, with people all around!”
“NO!” I gasp, looking at Jake, bewilderment clear in my voice. He just nods his head slowly, his thumb stroking my stomach.
“What did you do?” I ask him, but he just shakes his head. I look to everyone else. “What did he do?”
“This is the best part,” Cam continues. “He gets so freaked out, he jumps out of the car, and starts to run home. It was an away game! It took him five hours to walk home. He left everything in his truck. His phone, wallet, gear bag, everything. He couldn’t call anyone. He was so freaked to go back to the truck, in case she was still there waiting for him, or if the ring was still there. We didn’t drive out to pick it up until a week later. He went a week without a car, because he was so freaked out.”
“That’s just one of the stories,” Dylan adds. “There’s like, a hundred more just as crazy.”
I’m laughing so hard now my sides hurt.
I’d almost forgotten what we’re all doing here.
And then I remember, and stop myself from laughing.
Because today is not a laughing day.
Jake brings his hand up to my face and kisses my temple. “You can laugh and be happy, Kayla. They would want you to be.”
I smile and kiss him on the cheek.
Logan takes a huge gulp of his beer and then belches, fingers pointing between Jake and me. Heidi and Lucy groan in disgust.
“I’m going to ignore this epic, ovary explosive, sexual tension thing you guys have going on and ask a question.”
I stifle a laugh against Jake's neck, while he rolls his eyes at Logan.
“Ask your question, asshole,” he says as he rubs his nose against my jaw. God, that accent, and that voice.
My eyes close for a second. I think my ovaries will explode.
“Why does he call get to call you Kayla, and everyone else calls you Micky?”
I shrug. “Because my family called me Kayla.”

Our Review

Let me start by Saying I went into this blind, I didn’t know what to expect, It was highly recommended by my Fellow blogger here at Book_Obsession. Okay let’s get down to it. I loved LOVED LOVED More Than This, I would have to say It’s up there as one of my favorites of the year. More Than This is all about love, forgiveness, moving on, learning how to love and let love in again.   Mikayla has everything taken from her in one night, her boyfriend, her bestfriend, even her whole family. That’s the same night she meets Jake! Jake is a sweetheart and he is there for Mikayla. Jake’s family agrees to help and takes her in to help her with all that is to come. I don’t want to give to much away with the book but you will fall in love. 




More than This was brought to my attention by one of my book friends. She knows my taste pretty well and emailed me the Amazon link and told me I HAD to read it. I bought it and dove in without hesitation. It was definitely a one sitting book.  The first chapter had me sucked in and there was no way I was going to put it down after that. I recommend it to anyone I know reads.

Jay McLean’s writing is just so effortless and fun it was so easy to get lost in her fictional world.

Jake is the ultimate book boyfriend. He is smooth, sweet, and AUSTRAILLIAN. That accent alone is swoonworthy. J But it’s his sweet gestures that really pulled me in. He was there for Mikayla the whole way lending a shoulder or ear when she needed it.  And along the way of healing they found each other.

“I'm thinking that maybe I'm really far from more than a lot liking you, Mikayla Jones.”

Another thing I LOVED about this book was the interaction of all the characters. They were fun and anyone’s dream group of friends. And I loved the book references! ;)


“”To whoever wrote Fifty Shades of Grey," Cam eyes the sky like he's thanking the Lord. We all laugh and drink.”


The ending will BLOW your mind. I don’t want to give away anymore of the story so I’ll leave y’all with one more quote! My favorite quote of the story!


“He's not the heart and flowers kind of guy, but he's the heart and soul kind, and fuck if every girl would rather that than flowers.”

 Go do yourself a favor and buy this book now. I promise you will NOT regret it!!!


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